College Roadmapping

There is a reason why the word STUDENT comes first in the term "Student Athlete". No child can truly reach their potential without a quality education. However choosing what path to follow or where to even begin when it comes to choosing a potential college career can be an incredibly daunting task. That being said the Pirate Soccer Program is committed to making sure that all of our athletes have the opportunity to excel and pursue both academic and athletic opportunities at the next level.
Thus we are happy to announce that we now offer year round coaching and road mapping to assure that our athletes are setting themselves up for success in the pursuit of the next level.
To Facilitate this process, the Pirate Soccer Coaching Staff has been working closely with a variety of College professors, admissions officers, and coaches in order to setup an effective program that will help prospective students map out their path to college and maximize their opportunities at the next level. This tried method will not only help students choose their potential school, but their potential careers, courses of study, high school academic curriculum, and ways to pay for their dream without having to send themselves and their families deeply into debit. Below are the steps that we will take in order to help narrow down a students options and help point them down the pay to success:
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Choosing which college one wants to go to may seem like a daunting task, with the thousands of options around the country, and even more around the world. Where does one even begin? Working with various college professors and coaches, we have devised a program to help start pointing our players in the right direction and give them a starting point to start to narrow their searches.
Click Below to Begin
Starting the Search
After narrowing down your options of where you might want to go, the next step is to check out the various campuses to see which of your current options look the most appealing. There are multiple ways to accomplish this both online, virtually, and in person. In this step we will go over the various methods one can use to review their various options to help narrow down their searches even further.
Click to Begin Your Tours
Taking a Tour
Each college/university has multiple requirements and/or prerequisites that prospective students must fulfill before their applications will be considered for admission. These vary from taking certain HS courses, foreign languages, volunteering, ACT/SAT's, GPA's, etc.
In order to make sure that you are not limiting your ability to go to the school of your dreams, you will need to make sure you are taking the right steps now.
Click Below For Prerequisites
In order to make sure that one is setting themselves up for success, it is important to analyze where you currently sit and how much you still need to do in order to make your college dreams a reality. This part however can be frustrating as it will require you to answer some hard, honest questions, whose answers may begin to appear to put certain options out of reach, but nothing is impossible
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Where Are You Now?
As with any goal, in order to accomplish it, you need to layout a strategic plan of attack to make it a reality. Now that you know both what you need and what you have, it's time to begin to layout your plan to acquire or complete the necessary tasks and requirements needed by the school of your dreams. The earlier in your middle school and/or High School career you do this, the easier it be to accomplish.
Click to Create Your Plan
Creating a Plan
Applying for a college is a lot like applying for a job. There are certain requirements and expectations, and you will likely be competing for a limited opportunity. In order to help separate yourself from the pack of thousands of applicants that colleges receive every year, you will want to begin to build a resume that you can attach to your college applications or send to potential future coaches.
Click to Build your Resume
Building a Resume
Talking to Coaches
If you are lucky enough to be sought after by prospective colleges and coaches for athletic opportunities, the work of this step may be done for you. However, just because coaches aren't reaching out to you, doesn't mean that you wouldn't have an opportunity to play at a certain school or even get a scholarship. In this step we will cover the best way to get in contact with your potential future coaches
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How Do I Pay?
There is no other way to say it, College is expensive. The expense of Tuition, Books, Room and Board, Food, etc is the number one deterrent of prospective students from pursuing the school of their dreams. However, don't let that expense scare you. In this day and age, there are numerous numerous ways to help pay for your dream and to put that price tag back in reach.
Click to Learn how to Pay
Time to Apply
So it's come to this...You know where you want to go. You've got all of your requirements and prerequisites in order. You have built your resume. You've contacted your coaches. You know how you're going to pay for it. There is only one thing left to do...Apply...In this step we will cover both how and where you go to apply to the school of your dreams, and what you can expect during and after.
Click to Apply
Making decisions about your future is a monumental task that shouldn't be taken lightly, and while we put a lot of time and effort into setting all of our players up for success, at the end of the day, we can only take you just so far. We recommend utilizing all of the resources at your disposal, parents, family members, friends, teachers, counselors, etc to help advise you along this path. One of the best places that you can go however to help you with your decision making is the Career Resource center here at Park Center. Here you can find trained professionals to help you in choosing a potential future career, choosing a college, choosing a major, and helping you setup a game plan to help make your college dreams a reality. If you have any questions, and/or would like to sit down with one of their advisors, stop by their room. It's located at the back of the lunch room off the hallway to the front office.