Parent Expectations
By MN State High School regulations, coaches are not allowed to provide transportation to their athletes, thus it will be the responsibility of the parent and athlete to coordinate transportation to and from practice/games. (There are late bus options available if needed for transportation after practice, but not for late arrival from games. Contact your respective school for their bus schedules)
Park Center Soccer Prides itself on providing a supportive and welcoming environment for all of our athletes, so we ask that all of our parents show respect to all of our student athletes, coaches, opponents, and referees at all times.
Playing Time
Individual development is the primary focus for all non-varsity teams, thus playing time on the Freshman, B-quad, and Junior Varsity teams should be roughly equal assuming that the student athlete has fully participated in all team events and practices. This changes once a player has made Varsity, as it is the goal/intention for the team to maximize it's potential of reaching the state tournament, thus playing time will not be equal for all rostered players. If a student has any issue regarding playing time, it is the responsibility of the player , not the parent, to bring it to their coach or the Program's Head Coach's attention so that it can be addressed.
Booster Club
No student athlete can truly reach their maximum potential without strong and supportive parental support. Likewise, no youth based organization could be successful without continued parent involvement. The Booster Club asks our parents to give what time they can to help us with: the basic program operations, fundraising, concessions, and Varsity games in order to allow our student athletes to reach their maximum potential.

Join The Conversation
The Park Center Soccer Program uses the "Remind" app to send out all pertinent information throughout the season such as bus delays, practice/game cancellations, social events and fundraisers. To receive these text updates follow directions below:
TEXT: @8fhbf8
TO PHONE#: 81010
Questions? For More Information:
More information about our Expectations for our Park Center Soccer Parents can be obtained by contacting
Boy's Head Coach Jason Barnhouse or Girl's Head Coach Natalie Jin. See Contact Us for details
You may also contact the Park Center Senior High School Athletic Office, at 763-569-7654 or