Pirate Soccer Boosters
The Park Center Senior High Pirate Soccer Booster Club is an ALL volunteer non-profit organization dedicated towards improving the soccer program at Park Center High School.
The Park Center Soccer Booster club's volunteer staff is dedicated towards improving the soccer program by providing the necessary funds for additional coaching, equipment, buses, training programs, special events, and team banquets through fundraising and coordinating sponsorships and outside donations.
All proceeds raised by the booster club is pumped directly back into the program to better the experience of our student athletes.
But We NEED YOU!!!
We could not operate without the continued support of our parent volunteers. All help is appreciated!
Contact any member of the board to join the Boosters.

Our Volunteer Board
President: Mark McNamer
Vice-President: Jackie Wamstad
Chairman and Site Admin: Rich Heitzig
Secretary: Jill Sargent
Treasurer: Rob Hoff
Boys Director at Large: Jill Draves
Girls Director at Large: Jill Sargent
Communications: Rachel Johnson
Concessions: Mollie Benjamin
Marketing/Fundraising: Troy Perdue
Volunteer Recruitment: Kimberly Bennett
Questions? For More Information:
More information about Park Center Soccer Booster can be obtained by contacting:
Booster Club President Mark McNamer or Vice President Jackie Wamstad
Boy's Head Coach Sean Mcnattin or Girl's Head Coach Natalie Jin. See Contact Us for details
You may also contact the Park Center Senior High School Athletic Office, at 763-569-7654 or middletonC@district279.org.